BST Lift Systems Inc.

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        BST Lift Systems       

Wireline retrievable gas lift valves and latches

Side pocket gas lift mandrels

Adjustable flow control chokes for injection and production

Other quality oilfield equipment

Design, manufacturing, sales, & service

BST is an innovative West Coast manufacturing and service oriented company dedicated to producing quality oil tools since 1981.  

BST products are used every day by oil and gas producers on wellheads, pipelines, and downhole, on shore and off shore, throughout the world.  

BST  maintains administrative and engineering services and manufacturing facilities in Ventura, California, USA.  Agents and distributors are located throughout the United States of America and in other countries, including Argentina, Great Britain, India, and Nigeria.

BST products include gas lift valves, latches, side pocket gas lift mandrels, waterflood regulators, chemical injection valves, adjustable wellhead flow control chokes, Y-tools, oilfield automation and many other types of downhole and surface equipment.

Contact BST's Ventura office for a list of representatives in your service area.

Contact Information

Office Hours:      8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., M-F (Pacific Time)

Shipping & Receiving:  7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., M-F (Pacific Time)

805-654-1696 (Pacific Time Zone)
Mailing address:
PO Box 25330, Ventura, CA 93002 USA
Shipping Address:
1456 Fleet Avenue, Ventura, CA 93003 USA
Electronic mail:
Gas lift design & sales:
Engineering support & sales:
Quality Assurance:

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Copyright © 2013 BST Lift Systems Inc.
Last modified: January 07, 2020

BST Lift Systems, Inc. is Listed on IndustryNet